Jozani Forest, The Rock Restaurant & Michamvi Sunset

A full-day-trip with 3 essential attractions that will open up your taste buds for exploring the island.

In the 1st part of the trip you will go and visit the Jozani Forest which is a protected natural reservation which hosts the expresive and famous Red-Colobus monkeys, a specie that is unique in the world and it is found only in Zanzibar. You will learn from your guide about the special relationship that locals share with nature and the importance of the forest in the whole ecosistem of Zanzibar. 

After that, you will go to The Rock restaurant, one of the most “instagrammed” restaurants in the world due to its special treat: completely surrounded by waters during high-tide. You can dine there on the actual Rock or you can choose one of the restaurants located on the shore to watch the Rock from distance: the choice is yours.

Last but not least, you will end the day trip in Michamvi where, even if you are on the East coast, you can enjoy a magical Sunset in the waters of the gulf due to the West orientation of the big sandbank. There, at Kae Funk Beach Bar you can lay down on a hammock under the palm trees, sip a cocktail, watch the acrobats performing every evening or feel the bonfire which is lit every day but beware: that’s a place you will find very, very, very hard to leave. 


Spice Farm